Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blackened Chicken with Roasted Squash and Zucchini

Blackened Chicken with Roasted Squash and Zucchini 

I'm working really hard on my food porn techniques.  I'm hoping it's beginning to show.  Not great, but better.  I feel like I've come a long way since using my iPhone to photograph nearly every bite I took.  I'm working with my Canon Rebel T2i now so I have that much going for me.

My brother happens to be an excellent photographer, though he lives 2000 miles away.  We exchange a lot of text messages, calls and emails when I'm confused about something. He is all around artistically and musically talented. Amazing really.  When it comes to drawing, photography and playing his guitar (both electric and acoustic) he's da man! My middle child seems to have his creative drive musically, my oldest similarly and my youngest can bang on my drums like a mini Travis Barker so none have taken after mommy who can not draw a stick figure.

Yes, I have drums.  I have asked the last 3 years for a drum kit for Christmas or for my birthday.  I always felt like a little part of me was missing.  I, not so secretly, hoped that Travis Barker would also appear to give me a lesson.  The drums arrived last Christmas without Travis attached.  A bit disappointing really.  I've never felt the same about them.

Enough about my lack of motor skills, here's the meal.....

I decided to prepare a blackened seasoning before grilling.  I'm beginning to think of myself like an even more amateur, lazier, Paleo version of Rachel Ray.  I love her and the simplicity with which she combines ingredients and the ease of most of her recipes.  I wouldn't do things any other way myself.  Fact is, I don't have time.  If I did have time, it would still not be my preference to spend it in the kitchen.  Alternately, I would have it no other way than to prepare fresh, healthy meals for my family when it's possible.  I don't want to add any more drama to my day. I have enough of that by virtue of having 2 female children.

Blackened Chicken:

1/2 tsp paprika
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp thyme
1/8 tsp ground white pepper
1/8 tsp onion powder

I combined all the dry spices in a bowl and coated several butterfly cut chicken breast with a light drizzle of olive oil.  Then I generously sprinkled the mixture, careful to coat both sides thoroughly.  Off to the grill I go.

I diced up 2 large squash and 2 zucchini and one onion.  I drizzled with olive oil then seasoned with sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic and onion powder and roasted at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes.

This is an easy go-to blackening recipe when you don't have time to marinate your chicken, beef or seafood.  You can even prepare in advance and fill a seasoning bottle if you find you do it frequently.  Easier than measuring out all the individual ingredients each time.

We'll be spending the afternoon with family and friends.  It's only natural that today will revolve around food.  I will be preparing a healthy option,  a Paleo cole slaw that has a nice kick to it.  I hope you enjoy your day and don't overindulge too much.  But, if you do, there's always tomorrow to grab the regins and get back on track.

Live healthy,

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