Sunday, March 3, 2013

banana fritters

Gulgula-Banana Fritters

Two Saturdays ago, my kids' guitar tutor came home for their usual Saturday instruction. I love having a dessert, snack or sandwich to offer him....and realized I had nothing for the sweet, old guy with the patience of a Saint. Saturday is also the day I work on a recipe for my blog and prepare several meals for a few days, especially now that I am in school. That particular day I was overwhelmed making soup--because it was a cold, snowy day--along with stewed chicken, stewed lentils, curried chicken with eggplant(baigan) and chickpeas(channa).

I looked around my kitchen frantically, pots bubbling away on the stove, every counter in my kitchen in chaos, no bread, no left over bake and buljol from breakfast, no left over cake…and then I saw them..three very ripe bananas…….ok, I’ll be honest….they looked black and would be considered downright rotten by many folks….but as the saying goes, "it ain’t over till the fat lady sings"…..[I don’t know what that has to do with anything on this post, but it sounds good right about now…]

Let me go off on a tangent and tell you a little story about me and bananas…other than the fact that I am bananas…..I love bananas. I can’t live without 'em…My husbands suspects that I’m a monkey 'cause he finds my bananas everywhere….and sometimes not in the same “specie”…I have been known to leave bananas in the shoe closet…in my car, on my desk and in my desk at home and work, in the refrigerator just in case I want to make this recipe, in the freezer for smoothies, in my work bag, on the kitchen counter…they say don’t leave home without your credit card, I don’t leave home without a banana or two….

Back to the story about Bob, the guitar instructor… So I had three black bananas, flour, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon…perfect..In a matter of minutes, I made "gulgula" for him...and he "gubbled it down" quickly...Mission accomplished. Crisis averted...The remainder mysteriously disappeared from the counter in seconds. Strangely, one “little” person in my household didn’t have an appetite for lunch….
Don’t ask me how the name "gulgula" was derived or what it means, that’s what we refer to it in Trinidad…From the name, it's definitely one of those simpler sweet treats inherited from the Indian Immigrants, our ancestors, who came to Trinidad as Indentured laborers to work on the sugar cane plantations. If you like reading about history, click here for more information on the history of the East Indian immigrants in Trinidad.

Gulgula-Banana fritters
3 very ripe bananas
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
¼ cup brown sugar
Pinch cinnamon
Oil for frying

These bananas could be riper...darker...hence sweeter...
What's the missing ingredient below??
This is more like how it should look, even darker would work fine! Don't throw away those ugly looking bananas! Only waited 10 days for these to darken to take this pic, when it usually darkens within a day or two...unbelievable!
Mash bananas using fork or your hands…
Don't mash too fine if you like seeing banana chunks in your gulgula....
In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, brown sugar, salt and ground cinnamon.
NB: My 7-year old, who usually gets to critique my posts before posting, wants me to tell you that there are no ghosts hiding in the upper right corner of the picture below....
hello????[kids say the darndest things!] I apologise for the apparently bad pic..
Add bananas to dry ingredients and combine until smooth. 
  If the bananas are ripe enough you will need no liquid. If by rare chance the mixture seems dry, add water or milk 1 tablespoon at time until it has the right consistency.
Heat 2 inches of oil in a small, narrow frying pan over medium heat.
Using two spoons, trying creating a small ball by moving the batter back and forth between spoons--in a 'scooping up" motion.
Working in batches, carefully drop heaping tablespoons of batter into the hot oil.
Fry, turning once, until golden brown, about 8 minutes per batch.
If you use a lot of oil they usually flip over by themselves.  
Transfer to a paper-towel lined baking sheet using a slotted spoon.  
Let rest a minute or two before serving. 
Warning: this recipe makes about 20. Don’t eat them all at once. 

Crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside...with loads of irresistible banana flavor. I know you will love these gulgulas!

Happy Eating!

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