Monday, November 21, 2011

vegan burgers

We went to a fun dinner at Kath and Matt’s house tonight! We decided a few days ago at yoga that we should do a casual Saturday night dinner together, and we agreed to split up the menu to make it easy. Kath and Matt would provide veggies and buns, and Casey and I would make homemade (vegetarian) burgers! I really shouldn’t take any credit though, because this one was all Casey’s idea.

As vegetarians, we are always trying to be creative with fun ingredients and different alternatives to the standard boring fare. We make a LOT of different veggie and bean burgers, mostly because I use it as an excuse to feed my ketchup addiction. :) But this burger takes the cake. It is Casey’s third time making it, and it is AMAZING! The best part is that you can interchange ingredients as you please – substitute any type of bean or seed, and you’ll still get the same result – just a slightly different flavor! We’ve made these so far with black beans and garbanzos (black beans were better!).

Vegan Bean Burgers

Ingredients: (makes 6 burgers)

2 cans black beans (rinsed and drained)
2 carrots, grated
1/2 cup dry rolled oats
1/4 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
To Prepare: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Next, add the oats and pepitas to your food processor and grind until coarsely chopped (they will still be a little chunky). Let it run for roughly 10 seconds. Grate the carrots, and then add to your mixture in the food processor. Add 3/4 of the beans, all spices, and the olive oil. Once all of this is in the food processor, give it a whir and mix it all together.

Spoon mixture into a mixing bowl and then fold in the rest of the whole, reserved beans. Wet your hands and then form into 6 medium sized patties. Place patties on a non-stick baking sheet or into a baking pan, and bake at 300 degrees for 40 minutes, turning once in the middle. If you want to grill these, pre-bake them for 30 minutes at 300, and then throw them on the grill to reheat and get a little extra browning.

We pre-baked ours and did a final heat on the grill with some veggies – such a perfect summertime meal!

Enjoy! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my amazing big sister Rebecca!! Wishing we could celebrate together again this year!

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